Get Started


  1. Go to, on your Android Mobile Device.
  2. Under ‘Info About Our Android App’, click HERE, to download the App.
  3. Check the App map often. Deals will be updated, and new sellers will join.

p.s. Local Drive-Buy does not discriminate. iPhone users…we love you. Stay tuned as our goal is to launch Local Drive-Buy on Apple as soon as we can.


  1. Head to
  2. Follow the instructions and fill in your business/listing information.
  3. Write down your login + password, you will need them to access your account.
  4. Visit your account often to communicate with locals. You can update your status, offerings, or perhaps upload new pictures.

Please note: We are about to get the website a new skin, and this is a beta site, so all of you Early Adopters, we thank you for your patience as things do run slower than they will when the site is completed, and we will be making this site look muy muy fantastico! (I think that’s Spanish for Awesome!) Also, we will be moving to our new address, soon. We will make an announcement when the move is complete! Thank you for your patience.


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